Las Vegas, NV 89117
ph: 702-809-2671
Welcome to one of the most unique web sites you'll ever encounter. Here will be found insightful information regarding issues of national and international security. In addition, there are openings to worlds that many people only dream of; all based in fact and backed by logic and common sense.
Photo above is at Mount Everest Base Camp in Tibet
Whale Photo by Cannon Master Darren Jew
Swimming up close and personal with humpback whales in the open ocean. Should be on your Bucketlist!!
Rwanda, 2008, near the border with
Congo; and that is a wild 600-800 lbs male Silverback Gorilla about 8 feet behind me. Quite an experience!
Busting bush tracking White Rhinos and Tigers in Nepal
Reported site of the Ark of the Covenant: Axum, Ethiopia, Sept 2010
Machu Picchu
As a Senior Fellow at the Joint Special Operations University, Dr. Alexander has addressed issues of serious concern regarding national and international security. This site will afford you the opportunity to access many of his reports.
The most recent examples are these monographs.
Click on Cover Above
Burt Rutan
At his old pyramid home in Mojave
MUFON 2011 with Joe and Scooter McMoneagle
( Bob Monroe's daughter)
From St Martin's Press, the book that will set many records straight regarding this contentious issue. But make no doubt about it, UFOs are real, physical objects that transit our universe. There are no simple solutions to this complex phenomena but this book will answer many of your questions.
Foreword by
Dr. Jacques Vallee,
Introduction by
Burt Rutan,
& Commentary by
Tom Clancy
The leader of an ad hoc government study on UFOs reveals for the first time in print what was learned. The results surprised him as much as they will you. The physical existence of UFOs is undeniable and supported by hard evidence. But, when all the facts are laid out, and common sense applied, the reality behind them is far more complex that most ever imagined.
The secrets revealed include:
Unfortunately the photo section was dropped by the publisher. The section regarding the Eskimo Scouts addresses three drawings. They are included here.
Nov/Dec 2011
Copyright 2010 John B. Alexander. All rights reserved.
Las Vegas, NV 89117
ph: 702-809-2671